Elections are deceitful!
The only alternative is to hit the streets!


To Defeat Saffron-Corporate Fascism

Elections are deceitful!
The only alternative is to hit the streets!

Dear working class people, democratic forces!

The “India” coalition is campaigning that if Modi is defeated in the upcoming parliamentary elections, “fascism will fall” and spring shall come but BJP is not just another party and Fascism is not simply the rule of one party and followed by another party’s rule after elections.

What is fascism? From where does it come?

The recolonization policy of privatization, liberalism and globalism is designed to exploit and loot our country without limits by multinational and domestic corporations. Based on this, fascism is gearing up to establish a blatant capitalist dictatorship by brutally implementing the National Education Policy, Agrarian Law Amendment, Abolition of Labour Laws, Electricity Act Amendment etc.

Fascism is not brought up by the anti-democratic RSS-BJP to take revenge on its opposition parties but it is brought by the capitalist class to show its brutal face and to take revenge on the working class. It is the capitalist class shedding all its democratic pretensions and imposing an outright dictatorship over the working class.

Most of the parties in the “India” coalition are ruling class parties and hide this fact from the people. Thus, like all other parties that come to power, the BJP is taking revenge on its enemies; it is inciting caste-based, religious sectarianism; dividing people for its electoral gains and oppressing journalists to cripple opinions against it , just like all parties or even more in this regard.

The same fascist thugs who are carrying out murderous attacks on minorities are launching murderous attacks on the farmers and other people who have been fighting in Delhi’s Singhu border. The bulldozers that are demolishing the homes of Muslims today are waiting to demolish the homes of people fighting for their basic needs tomorrow. The same corporations that have preyed on the opposition for decades will prey on the working class tomorrow. In short, all the weapons pointed at the opposition parties and the minorities today are waiting to attack the working class tomorrow.

Martin Neimöller writes of a similar situation under Hitler’s regime in Germany:

“ First they came for the Communists

 And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews

And I did not speak out

Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me

And there was no one left

To speak out for me.”

If we don’t feel the pain of these lines now, we never will.

Saffron-corporate fascism cannot be defeated in elections

How to defeat the fascist RSS-BJP who are trying to establish absolute dictatorship over the working class?

We the people of Tamil Nadu who only see the antics of Tamil Nadu BJP like Annamalai remain completely unaware of the fascist gang. RSS is the biggest and most powerful fascist terrorist organization in the world so far – a century old deadly fascist organization with two thousand years of Brahminical ideological background.

Hundreds of fringe organisations nationwide; armed secret and semi-secret fascist forces; More than 800 propaganda organizations in the name of charities, educational institutions – and a network more deadly than we can imagine. Hundred years of fanatical propaganda has successfully created a mood throughout the country in favour of fascist ideas as a result of these measures.

The opposition parties are in a position where they are unable to counter the “Hindutva” mentality that the RSS has created among the people, and can only get votes by branding themselves as “they are pro-Hindus”. Beyond the die-hard survivalists, many who have accepted the RSS views in principle abound in all ruling-class opportunist parties at all levels.

Apart from conducting anti-fascist classes in the name of Shakhas on a daily basis, the shadow armies of the RSS, which are given weapons training including shooting and swordsmanship, are ready to launch an attack on the working class at any time. It is such forces that barge in and slaughter people when they are in protest against the fascist government. This is exactly what we have seen in the farmers’ protest and the anti-CAA protests too.

It is true that other parties also have their own mercenaries and oppress the people who fight against them. The soldiers of the RSS are not such mercenaries but they are armed from top to bottom with Brahminical ideology, the forces are fascist infused in every atom of their blood. For example, the men who shot dead Kalburgi, Gauri Lankesh and others who fought for the welfare of the working class publicly confessed that “the gun in their hand is like Krishna’s chakra, it destroys the demons’”. The dangers of this can be seen from their public confession.

Moreover, over the past decade, they have had tremendous success in infusing fascists into every organ of government, including the judiciary, the military, the administration, the police of all states, and the ruling class. At the top of this, it has broken the tradition that the commanders of the three forces such as the army, air force and navy should never meet, and introduced a new position of the sole commander of the three forces in the army. Even if the BJP is defeated in tomorrow’s elections, they will stage riots with their shadow armies. The country faces the danger of a coup with the army and other organs of the government standing by and establishing a fascist regime.

The opposition parties are in a position to defend themselves without any weapons to face such a fascist system. So, it is suicidal to believe that fascism will end abruptly if we vote for “India” alliance.

Anti-fascist struggle is not possible without an anti-fascist army

Can the RSS and the fascism it brings, which has grown into a huge deadly organization to facilitate the exploitation of imperialist financial capital, spread its roots to the brains of the country, infiltrated all the organs of the government successfully, spread fascist ideas to the majority of the people, be defeated in a single day by voting? Is there any point in relying on ruling class parties to prevent the establishment of a very brutal dictatorship over the working class?!  Think it through!  We, the working class, must put aside the election illusions spread by the electoral parties and prepare for a long and persistent battle. We must come together as one force to defeat the fascist forces head-on.

  • To defeat the Saffron-Corporate Fascism, let us boycott the electoral path followed by the ruling class parties!
  • Let’s take to the streets and rebel!!
  • To establish the real power of the people, let’s build The New Democratic Republic!!

(Establish, protect and strengthen the Revolutionary Political Power of the People! Advance New Democratic Revolution in India!) – can this be used??

Revolutionary People’s Power New Democratic Labour Front

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[pdf-embedder url=”http://senkanal.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/Boycott-2024-General-Election-Pamphlet-e.pdf”]
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